42歲陳展鵬為人父 單文柔誕女一家三口晒幸福照:Quinta is here
發布時間: 2019/04/21 11:57
最後更新: 2019/04/22 15:20
▲ 恭喜陳展鵬單文柔。
單文柔在facebook內公布喜訊,以英文寫道:「Finally baby Quinta is here!!!
Ruco and I welcomed our first daughter to the world and we cannot say enough about how positive our experience was during my pregnancy, delivery and postnatal care. The medical services I received from Dr. Peter Cheung, Ruby Sin during my stay in Hong Kong Adventist Hospital were exceptional! I felt at home throughout the entire recovery process and am entirely grateful❤ for all of your professionalism and care. Thank you」
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