【反送中】林鄭發電郵向公務員致歉堅稱會留任特首 潘小濤:態度誠懇過記者會


發布時間: 2019/06/19 11:13

最後更新: 2019/06/19 11:48




行政長官林鄭月娥昨日(18日)就修訂《逃犯條例》 風波親身向港人「真誠道歉」。她昨日晚上去信全體公務員,承認在修例工作上,自己對議題的敏感度﹑判斷有所不足,以及處理修例不力,令公務員感到焦慮,感到非常遺憾,冀公務員繼續支持她。










Dear Colleagues,

Earlier this afternoon, I tendered a public apology in person relating to the controversies, disputes and anxieties in society caused by the proposed amendments to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance and the Mutual Legal Assistance on Criminal Matters Ordinance. I admitted that the Government's work over the amendment exercise was deficient and I personally have to shoulder much of the responsibility.

I have to emphasise that the deficiencies lie in my less than adequate judgement of the sensitivity of the subject matter and the handling of the process. I wish to extend my gratitude to colleagues in the Security Bureau and Department of Justice for their dedication and professionalism.

Serving the public is my lifelong career and I remain committed to lead. This incident had made me realise that, as CE, I still have much to learn and do in better balancing diverse interest, in listening more to all walks of life and in taking our society forward.

For colleagues working in the Tamar CGO, I am sorry for the disruption and inconvenience caused with the closure of the offices over the past few days. For Police colleagues, I am indebted to them for their devoted service as always and am saddened to see the tension caused between policemen and protesters. For everyone of you, the anxiety caused is deeply regretted.

Let's hope the rift in society could be quickly mended and trust in the governing team could be restored through our hard work. I look to you for your continued support.

Yours sincerely,
Carrie Lam