【香港小姐2022】徐麟落選港姐不灰心 分享賽後感受:唔會放棄學廣東話
發布時間: 2022/10/01 15:17
最後更新: 2023/01/30 12:37
大家好, 我係1號徐麟Astrid!
花咗幾日時間來回味呢四個月嘅旅程, 感覺而家嘅自己煥然一新😊。
參加港姐比賽應該係我做過最瘋狂嘅事啦, 喺完全陌生嘅領域自我挑戰咗好多次, 同時喺呢個过程中對港姐文化同香港呢個城市亦有咗更加深入嘅了解; 最重要嘅係, 認識咗許許多多可愛、善良、溫暖嘅人; 台前幕後, 十分照顧, 非常感恩 (喊緊TT)。
特別想感謝一路關注、支持、幫助我嘅朋友同fans, 紅館表現確實唔係好符合預期, 廣東話冇令到自己好滿意; 但人生就係咁樣啦, 缺憾都係一種美, 可以入到五強已經非常驚喜了! 另外決賽嗰晚全場嗌一號嘅時候真係超級感動, 所以我唔會放棄學廣東話嘅💪!
好啦, 而家可以睇ball、行山同埋健身啦, 也要回歸學術世界啦, 希望大家可以多多關注傳統文化同慈善事業, 同時希望下次見面可以俾大家睇到更好嘅Astrid!
Hello, I am No.1 Astrid Xu!
I've spent a few days reflecting on my four-month journey and feel that I'm now a whole-new person.
Taking part in the Miss Hong Kong Pageant is probably the craziest thing I've ever done, in which I have challenged myself a lot in a completely new field and have got to know more about Miss Hong Kong culture and Hong Kong as a city; most significantly, I have met so many lovely, kind and warm people, both on and off stage, and am very grateful for the care I have received (Crying TT).
Special thanks are sent to all my friends and fans who have supported and helped me along the way. My performance at the Hong Kong Coliseum was indeed lower than expected, especially my Cantonese; But that's the way life is, flaws are beautiful, and it's a great honor for me to be in the top 5. Besides, I was really touched when the whole audience chanted No.1 that night, so I won't give up improving my Cantonese!
Well, now it's time to return to the academic world, as well as to football, hiking and fitness. Hopefully more attention will be paid to the traditional culture and charity causes, and hopefully you will see a better Astrid next time we meet!

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