【裸照勒索】《飢餓遊戲》女星裸照遭駭客勒索 Willow Shields公開照片反威脅
發布時間: 2023/05/04 15:53
最後更新: 2023/05/04 15:55
▲ 《飢餓遊戲》女星Willow Shields遭駭客勒索裸照。
由珍妮花羅倫絲(Jennifer Lawrence)主演電影《飢餓遊戲》(The Hunger Games),當中飾演女主角珍妮花妹妹的童星Willow Shields,日前在社交平台上載一張全裸照片,發文指遭駭客勒索同一相片,她先發制人公開相關照片反威脅。
Willow Shields日前晒出一張側面裸照,相中她以手臂遮掩胸部,而腰部及臀部線條則一覽無遺。
Willow Shields發文:
I’m being blackmailed and extorted for nude photos of myself, something private that was never meant to be shared with the whole world. I’m taking back the control and sharing it with you first. Here’s the photo they emailed and attached threatening to share with my friends, family, and the internet. They claim to have many more “less tame” photos to use against me.
I will not let someone else make choices involving my own body, I will not allow someone to have power over me.
I’ve already reported this person and case to the FBI and I sincerely hope they take the investigation seriously and follow through with this crime.
I also share this because I know how many other people are affected daily by revenge porn, and nude leaks, that are carried out by hackers and criminals in an effort to break down body, and mind, both deeply vulnerable. I understand and I’m sorry it exists.
I will not stand for any slut shaming, this is my body, and I will share it with whomever I choose.

現年22歲的Willow Shields長得亭亭玉立,社交平台不時分享健康性感照片,向網民派福利。
她於2012年以12歲之齡參演首輯《飢餓遊戲》,其後多輯均有份參演,直到《飢餓遊戲:自由幻夢 終結戰》演出戲份才較重,可惜星途依然平平。

撰文 : TOPick柴犬出動