DSE英文科|英文Paper 2最後階段必讀雞精 40個DSE英文作文必用同義詞
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最後更新: 2024/04/11 20:01
▲ DSE英文科作文即將開考,在最後階段必讀40個有用同義詞。
【DSE/英文科/英文作文技巧/英文Paper 2/學英文】在撰寫HKDSE英文作文時,豐富的詞彙是取得高分的關鍵之一。同義詞的運用不僅能讓文章讀起來更加流暢,也能展現出作者的語言能力。下面列出了一些常用詞的同義詞,以及它們的中文意義和例句,幫助考生在考試中更加得心應手。
DSE英文作文|1. Advantages and disadvantages(優點與缺點)
- Merits and demerits(長處與短處)
- Pros and cons(利弊)
- Benefits and drawbacks(益處與不利之處)
- The policy has its merits and demerits that we need to consider.(我們需要考慮這項政策的長處與短處。)
- We should weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.(我們在做決定前應該衡量利弊。)
- This technology brings many benefits, but there are also significant drawbacks.(這項技術帶來許多益處,但也有顯著的不利之處。)
DSE英文作文|2. Reasons(原因)
- Causes(起因)
- Motives(動機)
- Grounds(根據)
- The causes of global warming need to be addressed immediately.(全球暖化的起因需要立即解決。)
- There are strong grounds for the implementation of stricter laws.(實施更嚴格的法律有充分的根據。)
DSE英文作文|3. Impacts(影響)
- Effects(效果)
- Consequences(後果)
- Repercussions(反響)
- The effects of the new policy have been widely debated.(新政策的效果已被廣泛討論。)
- The consequences of cyberbullying can be very serious.(網絡欺凌的後果可能非常嚴重。)
- The economic repercussions of the pandemic are still being felt.(疫情的經濟反響仍在持續。)
DSE英文作文|4. Suggestions(建議)
- Recommendations(推薦)
- Proposals(提議)
- Advice(忠告)
- I have several recommendations for improving your English proficiency.(我有幾個提升你英文水平的推薦。)
- The committee has put forward a number of proposals.(委員會已提出多項提議。)
- My advice would be to start preparing for the test early.(我的忠告是要早點開始準備考試。)
DSE英文作文|5. Because(因為)
- Since/Attributed to/Ascribed to(由於)
- Given that(鑑於)
- As the market is expanding, we should increase our production.(作為市場在擴張,我們應該增加產量。)
- Given that the resources are limited, we must use them wisely.(鑑於資源有限,我們必須明智使用。)
DSE英文作文|6. Therefore(因此)
- Hence(所以)
- Thus(因此)
- Consequently/As a result(結果)
- He was not well-prepared. Hence, he did not pass the exam.(他準備不充分,所以沒有通過考試。)
- She has won numerous awards; thus, she is considered an expert in her field.(她贏得了無數獎項;因此,她被認為是她領域的專家。)
- There was a significant decrease in the stock market; consequently, investors became very cautious.(股市大幅下跌;結果,投資者變得非常謹慎。)
DSE英文作文|7. Although(雖然)
- Even though**(即使)
- Albeit**(儘管)
- Notwithstanding**(儘管)
- Even though he was tired, he managed to finish the marathon.(即使他很累,他還是完成了馬拉松。)
- Though the task was difficult, they did not give up.(儘管任務艱鉅,他們沒有放棄。)
- Notwithstanding the heavy rain, the outdoor event continued as planned.(儘管有大雨,戶外活動還是如期進行。)
DSE英文作文|8. Important(重要的)
- Crucial(關鍵的)
- Vital(至關重要的)
- Essential(必要的)
- Drinking water is vital for maintaining good health. (喝水對於保持良好的健康狀況至關重要。)
- Education is essential for the development of a country. (教育對一個國家的發展是必要的。)
DSE英文作文|9. Obvious(明顯的)
- Evident(顯而易見的)
- Apparent(明顯的)
- Clear-cut(清楚的)
- The benefits of regular exercise are obvious to everyone.(定期運動的好處對每個人來說都是明顯的。)
- It was evident that he was not telling the truth.(顯而易見他沒有說實話。)
- The difference between the two products is clear-cut.(這兩種產品之間的差異是清楚的。)
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撰文 : Spencer Sir 英文補習名師