溫故知新︱小五英文句式溫習重點 釐清Question Words (wh-)用法
撰文: 王明芳
發布時間: 2024/07/24 10:00
最後更新: 2024/07/24 18:11
▲ 溫故知新英文科搶分練習題答案。
暑假是培養良好學習習慣的時機,除了完成暑假作業,家長亦可與孩子溫故知新,助他們更快適應開學後的學習。TOPick為各位小六及升小五的學生,預習一些常用的Question Words (wh-)。
「Wh- question」用作疑問句,對於在對話或書面交流中尋找特定資訊至關重要。當我們發問想知道具體信息,而不僅僅是「是」或「否」的答案,我們可以用不同的Question Words (wh-)來得知不同的信息。
1. Who | 用於詢問一個對象或一群人 |
Example: Who is your favorite actor? | |
2. What | 用於詢問有關事物、活動、事件或情況的資訊 |
Example: What is your favorite color? | |
3. When | 用於詢問某事發生或將要發生的時間或時期 |
Example: When is your birthday? | |
4. Where | 用於詢問某事物的地點或路線 |
Example: Where did you go for your vacation? | |
5. Why | 用於詢問某事背後的原因或目的 |
Example: Why did you choose that book to read? | |
6. How | 用於詢問某事完成事件的過程、方式或條件 |
Example: How did you solve the math problem? | |
7. Which | 用於詢問在有限數量的選項中選擇或選取 |
Example: Which movie do you want to watch? |
Please fill in the blanks with the given words.
Who | What | Why | Which |
When | Where | How many | How much |
1)_______________ is the president of the United States?
2)_______________is the capital city of France?
3)_______________is the nearest post office?
4)_______________time does the movie start?
5)_______________did the cat run away?
6)_______________is the name of your favorite restaurant?
7)_______________book should I read next?
8)_______________did you finish your homework?
9)_______________apples are in the basket?
10)_______________can I improve my cooking skills?
11)_______________color do you prefer, red or blue?
12)_______________does the new smartphone cost?
13)_______________did you go on your last vacation?
14)_______________siblings do you have?
15)_______________won the Nobel Prize in Literature this year?
16)_______________long does it take to drive to the airport?
17)_______________did the Titanic sink?
18)_______________is the next train to arrive?
19)_______________did the company decide to rebrand its products?
20)_______________did you choose that university for your studies?

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