

發布時間: 2015/06/16 18:05




同外國同事傾計,總是怪怪的? 因為你缺少左一份「地道」感覺,Wall Street English的導師準備了10個外國人經常講,但香港人卻好少用的字詞,大家快快睇熟旁身,下次用英文吹水,都要吹得似層層!

1. Give the green light to 准許
The General Manager has given the green light to the marketing campaign.

2. In black and white 白紙黑字、被寫下來
The research findings were down in black and white for future reference.

3. In the red 赤字、負債
The small company was $5 million in the red.

4. Out of the blue 出乎意料地、突然
Yesterday during the dinner party, out of the blue, she announced that she was leaving the company.

5. A long face 表情悲傷的
My boss had a long face when she found out that sales dropped by 10% last week.

6. A pain in the neck  令人討厭的人或事
The annual report is a real pain in the neck.

7. To see eye to eye (兩人)意見一致
The Directors don’t see eye to eye on the arrangements.

8. Down-to-earth 實際的、務實的
We adopted a down-to-earth approach to the problem.

9. Get the ball rolling 著手做、帶頭做
My supervisor decided to get the ball rolling and went on to the stage to share her experience.

10. On the ball 機靈、靈敏
I visit the shops every day to talk to our customers so that I can always be on the ball.

文章獲Wall Street English 授權轉載。